Home : Educational Resources

Education & Monthly Discussions

The following educational materials and trainings support the ideas of Get Real Get Better and began in 2022.
The ideas broadcasted in the learning material and trainings are supported and led by the VCNO.

Introductory Material 

Senior Leaders were introduced to GRGB principals, behaviors, and tools in Fall 2022, and challenged with growing these concepts in their commands. The introductory materials are here. 

Monthly Sustainment (or "Booster") Topics

Each month, the GRGB office distributes new educational topics and materials to ensure regular exposure to GRGB principles, encourage thoughtful conversation on problem solving approaches and leadership behaviors, and stimulate the inculcation of these skills and tools into everyday practice. You can find this month's educational topics and a library of past month topics here. 

Problem Solving Education & Consultation

The Problem Solving Office (PSO) provides introductory lessons connecting GRGB behaviors with an overview of how to use key tools and methodologies to solve simple to complex challenges. These materials are for anyone who desires to improve their problem solving skills for their chain of command. The PSO will provide lessons tailored to specific tools and methodologies critical to the problem solving journey. The training topics include the following:

  • Performance to Plan (P2P) 1 Hour Virtual Training
  • P2P Driver Tree Workshop
  • Problem Solving 3 Hour Virtual Training
  • 3 Day Problem Solving Training
  • 30 Minute Virtual Consultation

If you would like to request GRGB Training or a Consultation Session for your command, please click here. 

Leadership Education

FELIX is the Flag/SES educational course introducing GRGB leadership behaviors and problem solving tools for enterprise leaders.  Education is also provided to Navy leaders at NLEC (Major Commanders Course, PCO/PXO course, Department Head course), the Senior Enlisted Academy, as well as community leadership schools. An online introductory course and integration into other educational venues are under development.